General settings

FEMWATER-LHS Type of Simulation Problem

General settings

Numerical models like FEMWATER-LHS can not be regarded as representations of the real world because the complexity of natural hydrogeologic systems can never be captured in the discretized parameters of a numerical model. Instead, numerical modeling should be understood as a means of testing hydrologic hypotheses based on model parameters that best represent measured phenomena. However, testing hydrologic hypotheses often becomes time consuming because numerical models require complex data. To facilitate the modeling process, graphical-user interfaces (GUIs) are needed to handle geospatial information and simulation control parameters, as well as visualize the simulated results. For this purpose, a FEMWATER-GUI has been developed using Borland DelphiTM Professional 4.0. This GUI for FEMWATER-LHS was developed using commercially available software developed by Argus Interware. The Argus Interware product, known as Argus Open Numerical Environment (Argus ONETM), is a model-independent, programmable system with Geographic-Information-System-like (GIS-like) functionality that includes automated griding and meshing capabilities for synthesising geospatial information and linking it with finite difference and finite element discretizations techniques. This GUI’s must be used in conjunction with the Argus ONE commercial package. Together, these codes provide a convenient graphical pre- and post-processor, that significantly reduce the time and effort required for use of FEMWATER-LHS as hydrogeologic tool.

The FEMWATER-GUI dialog boxes are used to enter simulation control parameters and other nonspatial information. To enter project information for a FEMWATER-LHS simulation, the FEMWATER-GUI is launched from the PIEs menu by choosing New FEMWATER Project. The information in these dialog boxes is synthesized to build the structure of geospatial information layers needed for the FEMWATER-LHS simulation. In the following, the selected parameters in each of the dialog boxes is described. A complete description of the parameters is contained in 3DFEMWATER/3DLEWASTE reference manual (Yeh et al., 1993), FEMWATER (GMS version) reference manual (Lin et al., 1997), and the user’s guide for LHS program (Iman et al., 1984). However, a step-by-step applications of FEMWATER-LHS is given in Appendix B. In most cases, the default values are appropriate.

FEMWATER-LHS Type of Simulation Problem

The FEMWATER-LHS Type of Simulation Problem dialog (Fig. 2.6) allows the user to choose the type of simulation problem to be solve with FEMWATER-LHS. If the user exits this window, the FEMWATER-LHS interface will have been configured, and the problem type cannot be changed without starting over with a PIEs|New FEMWATER Project.